“Our Scrumptious Lake, Phyto-Tastic” was a two year project that took several revisions and rewritings to perfect. The above shows the cover of the book, along with a page showing how “Plankton” became big enough to see. The bottom 2 pages illustrate the Abenaki appreciation of the lake and its gifts on the right with a detailed world view of the importance of water for all species.
Here’s the latest in art AND work, as I experience the latest in education by working at The SchoolHouse. My position is as an assistant within the Kindergarten and First grade class. A room full of curious and rambunctious kids. A wonderful way to see life with new eyes! This piece was drawn in honor of the school and its curious souls.
Here is a holiday gift for my 24-25 SchoolHouse students of fourth and fifth graders. As can be seen, the original “Fun” cartoon of students and school is above. This time I erased each “cartoon” head and replaced it with a simplified caricature of each “Sophos” student (plus, added myself and the other teachers). When presented to the students at our Kwanzaa event, they pulled theirs out and pointed and laughed at their image and their friends. It was pretty cool!
Okay, so the above visuals are not cartoons, BUT…it is the cover of my new novel that I designed myself. I wanted to show the progress of the ideas that went into a book cover design. The story is about wolves (wolf-shifters) and takes place in Vermont, thus the images chosen:) An interesting fact of the wolf face is that those are my eyes, photoshopped, in the image.
If you, or an adventurous teen in your life, is interested-Check out the book on Amazon or Booklocker.com. Visit my new website: marchughesbooks.com.
The work above is art used or never used from the past. I thought it helpful to sometimes show the variety and diversity of old work.